Finally some hockey news comes to the Sports Toilet. Well...sort of. I came across this story about some Pittsburgh Penguin fans who are rumored to be playing a prank on Flyers fans--and the city of Brotherly love as whole--by putting a Sid the Kid jersey on the Rocky statue. No revealing pictures have surfaced yet, but I sure hope they do. That would certainly add some fuel to this in-state rivalry. Especially if someone responds to the craigslist posting asking for a Flyers fan to step up and perform a similar act of immaturity on a landmark in Pitts. I am a big fan of rivalries and pranks like this. Its always fun when sports fans logic goes down the sports toilet, and they revert back to their behavior from college. On second thought, the pranksters are probably in college right now. Still it is great to see two fan bases unite to support their team (and embarrass the opponent). Oh, and for those of you who don't follow hockey, this would probably be a good time to mention that the Pens and Flyers are currently playing each other in the Eastern Conference Finals. One other thing, look at that statue of Rocky. It is glorious. Best statue ever created of a fictitious character. Seriously, I dare you to find one better. Send me a picture if you can. But you can't. Only one slight problem: now when I look at it, I keep thinking of this Dwayne Wade-Chuck Barkley commercial. It got me thinking...would anyone go out of their way to deface a statue of Sir Charles?