According to Yahoo!, Barry Lamar Bonds, faces two and a half years on charges stemming from apparent lies told to the court by Bonds when he faced steroid allegations. This guy for sure did steroids. He is the biggest dog and that's why he is getting the brunt of this whole thing. Everyone did steroids then, had the players not did steroids, baseball's ratings would've plummeted even more due to lack of interest. The roid heads came to the rescue hitting bomb after bomb, bringing interest back to the sport, therefore selling more advertisement to big name sponsors and baseball flourished. The league is to blame, not the players. They wanted money and they new what was going on. It was up to the commish and his posse to correct the problem at first glance instead of turning their collective heads when the problem could have been solved right away. Sorry Barry, you got the record you wanted, but now you're gonna have a record you don't want, a criminal record.