Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Expect Great?

I can't believe I'm putting something up about the WNBA, but I just couldn't resist. For those of you watching the Playoffs, you probably have seen the new commercial and slogan for the WNBA. If not, here it is:

Here's how The Jar sees the dialogue:

"I'm sorry you couldn't pay me to watch women's bball." Yes.

"Nothing exciting ever happens." Yes.

"What kind of future does the WNBA have? None that I can see." Yes.

This women has just said everything that the Sports Toilet has been saying since day 1. I really couldn't have said it any better myself. The commercial goes on to tell viewers that they can Expect Great; the new slogan that the league of women that you would not want to see naked is running with this season. Piggybacking on the NBA's Where Amazing Happens which is signifcantly better and more appealing. Of course the WNBA is infinitely less appealing in principal. Still I think that slogan pinpoints the problem with women's basketball. That's the peak...great. Writers of the Sports Toilet go to the blacktop every week and expect great. We watch sports to witness spectaculor plays by atheletes who can do things that we will never do. Most atheletes can do the same things as a WNBA player. Anybody who has had to suffer through highlights of the WNBA would know that, and would know that the play isn't even that great.

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