Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Day 132

Spygate, the most important story in the history of modern time, made a huge leap in public appeal on Monday. It is stated that a meeting between Roger Goodell and Bill Belichick and Matt Walsh and President George W. Bush and God will take place Tuesday, to discuss a way to segway this story off the airwaves and restore order, making the Patriots once again America's Team. The brass at every single major sports network (ESPN), realized that no one really cares about this story and since 9/11, the Pats have really boosted this country's moral. Like all stories where the public can shed light on the reality of people in power,we were once again denied access to the In Crowd. Too bad, we almost found out that athletes and coaches cheat to win. Hopefully this is a quick sweep under the rug for the people involved in this one, it almost got really bad.

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