Monday, May 12, 2008

David Stern should be blamed for putting too much Mayo on the hotdog, not Tim Floyd

How is this even an issue? Why has college sports not reached the 21st century? How antiquated is the rule that college athletes cannot be compensated for playing sports when they make their universities millions of dollars in revenue. I thought slavery was abolished in the Eighteen Hundreds. OJ Mayo, came to USC as the most hyped high school basketball player since Lebron James. Could USC, or any other school for that matter have stopped agents, managers, shoe companies, and about a million other people from trying to get their hands on this guy. I mean why do you think he came to LA in the first place? For exposure.

OJ Mayo not only filled the Gaylen Center but he got a dormant USC basketball program off its feet. Not only were alumni and fans excited, but other NBA level prospects such as Davon Jefferson and Demar Derozan were following Mayo to USC. USC literally will make millions of dollars off this kid’s contributions to the program. So the important question to ask ourselves is, why can’t he get paid? Especially now that the NBA would not let Mayo straight from high school into the league, Mayo had no choice but to go to college. He didn’t want to be a student, he just did what David Stern mandated, and decided to take what he could get in the meantime.

If USC loses scholarships or has to fire its coach, Tim Floyd, because people outside the university were giving Mayo money in hopes of signing him up when he eventually did go pro, I think it is an absolute travesty. The kid who takes money gets off scot free and gets paid next year in the NBA, and the university he leaves behind gets to take the fall? What is the message we are sending here exactly? And why would future talents such as Mayo, not just do the same thing that he did. They don’t care about losing their eligibility to play in college, they never wanted to be there in the first place. If colleges make this much revenue off of their players there must be a more equitable situation put in place, if future stars such as Mayo have any incentive to not take money from people outside of the organization.

I think the main point here is that what was Floyd supposed to do if he even did know that Mayo was receiving money. Cut him from the team? The top few players in each class must end up going to college somewhere, and it is ridiculous for schools to be punished by the players decisions. I understand if the school pays the player out of its own funds how it could be unfair, but I think we can all agree that Mayo would have received this money wherever he had decided to go for his 1 year as a “student-athlete”

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